Coolermaster Mouse Mat Roundup



Each mouse was tested using two different mice, a generic optical mouse and a Logitech Mx Revolution Laser with 800 DPI. I used each pad for 1 full day, with some FPS gaming, general windows use and Photoshop work.


With many of the mats being very similar in construction, differing only in size and surface print design, I’m going to state the best and worst for the following properties:

Windows & Photoshop

Best: General use and slow Photoshop use the HS-M performed the best, and performed practically identically with optical and laser despite the box scores.

Worst: The small size of the CS-S meant that all but the smallest of work meant I was constantly having to re-centre the mouse on the mat.

FPS Gaming

Best: The Weapon of Choice CS-M AK/M4 performed far and away the best at FPS, giving a great combination of accuracy combined with solid performance on both optical and laser. The difference in speed and glide between this and the other mats was negligible.

Worst: Again the small size of the CS-S meant that I found myself at the edge of the mat all too often, usually just when I was trying to aim up an important shot quickly.


Best: The CS-M FPS was a great combination of size
sleek finish and depth to make this by far the most comfortable mat to use. The extra depth meant that any extra weight you might put on the mat during use was easily absorbed into the mat so it felt cushioned and smooth.

Worst: This was a fight to the end between the CS-M AK/M4 and the HS-M.  The CS-M two were both quite scratchy and irritating to use, and the CS-M M4 in particular had a poorly finished edge on one corner which constantly scraped at the skin.  The HS-M took the title as least comfortable in the edge however due to its solid hard surface with sharp un-rounded edging meaning any movement up the mat would invariable result in your wrist scraping along the edge.  It was also by far the worst mat for becoming clammy during prolonged use, again due to its hard surface.


Best: Surprisingly the best mat was the CS-M AK/M4 mats, having a much lower and less distracting noise from the other mats.  I had initially thought the rough weave of these would prove to be quite the opposite in noise terms, but I was proven happily to be mistaken.

Worst: The HS-M had the same high pitched scrape that most of the other mats had during use, but if you are unfortunate to move your hand in such a way as to bring any of your fingernails in contact with the mat then you can expect the tone and volume of the scratching noise to increase significantly and really become off putting


Best: CS-M FPS  – Being firmly in the middle of the pack at £10.99, but winning hands down in a couple of the tests, this definitely represents the best value for money.

Worst: Conversely, with the highest price tag at £19.99 and failing miserably in some of the tests, the worst price has to be landed firmly on the HS-M

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